Python family

Python family

The Pythonidae, commonly known as pythons, are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world. Ten genera and 39 species are currently recognized. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Pythonidae
Class: Reptilia
Family: Pythonidae; Fitzinger, 1826
Kingdom: Animalia
Order: Squamata
Phylum: Chordata

蟒科Pythonidae ; 類群. 爬蟲類Reptiles ; 物種屬性 ; 子階層. 蟒屬Python ; 其他編碼 ; 紀錄. 共64筆(含子階層)看詳細紀錄 ...
Pythonidae 蟒科@iN. May 2020. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.19168.87042. Authors: Alan Kwok at iNaturalist.Toronto.Canada · Alan Kwok. iNaturalist.Toronto.Canada.
蟒科(Pythonidae) from taieol.tw
Python bivittatus Kuhl, 1820 緬甸蟒. 中文名 蟒科.
蟒科(Pythonidae) from eol.org
Pythonidae Fitzinger 1826 ... Pythonidae (蟒科)是Serpentes的一個科。 ... 定義: Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another. 姓名標示 ...
Reptilia. > 有鱗目Squamata. > 蟒科Pythonidae. 進階搜尋Advanced Search · 地圖搜索Map Search · 緬甸蟒Python bivittatus. 香港生物多樣性資料庫HKBIS. 嗇色園Sik Sik ...
Jul 2, 2021 · TBN UUID: 39484a11-ce16-46b6-be24-81fc166ffc23. 其他編碼. 類群. 爬行類Reptiles. 分類階層. 科. 別名. 物種屬性. 保育狀態. 子階層. 蟒屬Python.
蟒科(Pythonidae) from baike.baidu.com
蟒蛇(学名:Python bivittatus)是蟒科,蟒属大型爬行动物。常见的体长3-5米,头颈部背面有一暗棕色矛形斑,头侧有一条黑色纵斑,头部腹面黄白色,体背棕褐色、灰褐色 ...
科:, 蟒蛇科 Pythonidae. 属:, 蟒属 Python. 种:. †欧洲巨蟒P. europaeus. 二名法. †Python europaeus. Syzndlar & Rage,2003. 其种加词“europaeus ”意为“欧洲的”。